Show Dates
Songs Played
- The Wax Post4 times
- Ticket4 times
- Ananas comosus3 times
- Biker3 times
- Blended Together3 times
- Duke's Journey3 times
- Eyes Floating in Cups3 times
- Our 27th Song3 times
- Patrick Swayze3 times
- A92 times
- Blue Orange2 times
- Car Fold2 times
- Dragonfire2 times
- Fuzzy Fuzzbuzz2 times
- Kiwi Kea2 times
- Krambambuli2 times
- Make It Relevant 2 times
- Moonbeams2 times
- Moonstrike's Lament2 times
- Needle2 times
- Olivia's Pots2 times
- Reload2 times
- Self-absorbed Husbands2 times
- Shh I'm Thinking2 times
- Smart Flower2 times
- Suggested Chicken2 times
- The First Show2 times
- The Mountain2 times
- Untitled 12 times
- Untitled 22 times
- Untitled 32 times
- Wave to the Wind2 times
- 12 or 661 time
- Apologies Owed1 time
- Because It Was Hard1 time
- Big Board1 time
- Bird's Eye1 time
- Celsius1 time
- Cochemeleon1 time
- Cranberry Crystals1 time
- Deer Crash1 time
- Desk Crack1 time
- Doge Meme1 time
- Duke's Revenge1 time
- F-121 time
- Grey Clouds1 time
- Greypeak Range1 time
- Harmony Vase1 time
- High School1 time
- Homecoming1 time
- Hydroplane1 time
- Interrupt Switch1 time
- Kōkako1 time
- Lavender1 time
- Lockdown1 time
- McDonald’s Theory1 time
- Midst1 time
- Moana1 time
- Opalescence 1 time
- Petite Pete1 time
- Raiya Sees1 time
- Redwoods1 time
- Rey and Lisa1 time
- Rocketships1 time
- Simplistic Glove1 time
- Smiling on the Phone1 time
- Spider1 time
- Spiraling Excitement1 time
- Spiron Festival1 time
- Stinky Uncle Steve1 time
- Sunbird Stream1 time
- Sure1 time
- The Turning Machine1 time
- The Wave1 time
- Tiger mountain1 time
- Top1 time
- Waiting for Fred1 time
- William1 time